Contact Details
Terms of Engagement
Bank statements, cash books, etc
Note: If no cashbook has been kept, please ensure that bank statements include the details of what each deposit and withdrawal was for.
Loan statements
Employers – wages paid to employees
Covid-19 support payments
Please provide details of the following: Amounts received for each stakeholder and
whether amounts received were for full-time or part-times
Date and amount
Please provide details of payment (dates and amounts) and reason for repayment
Fringe benefit tax (FBT) returns
Goods and services tax (GST) returns
Interest and dividend certificates
Lease details
Foreign income
Details of any foreign income received, and any tax deducted from this.
Accounts receivable (debtors)
Accounts payable (creditors)
Cash on hand
Capital expenditure
Transactions not through the business
Other non-taxable income
Did you receive non-taxable income from any other
sources? If yes, please provide details.
Legal and loan documents
Business expenses
Private use
Expenses paid in cash or from personal funds
Residential land withholding tax
Residential property sales
Mortgage interest paid on residential properties
Research and development
If so, provide ledger accounts and details of expenditure
*Would you like to use the IRD rate? Currently it is $47.85 per square metre. This allowance doesn’t cover mortgage interest, rates or rent costs so we would still require these amounts
Mixed use holiday home
If there is more than one tenant who used the property through the year, please attach details.
Expenses incurred in respect of the property (the list below is not exhaustive – details of all expenses will be required):
Mixed use boat or plane
a) The type of cryptoasset.
b) For each transaction provide the date, type of transaction i.e. received or disposed of, number of units, value in NZD.
c) Total units of each cryptoasset held at the beginning and end of the year
d) Exchange records and bank statements
e) Wallet addresses