A Director of Bridge Advisory since 2019, Danny Douglas has worked in our team since completing his degree at Northtec in 2003. Danny’s interest in accounting developed at school, but he tried his hand in a number of other industries first, including hospitality, building and even gamefishing, which he remains passionate about to this day.
After a few years in the workforce he decided to study towards a career in accounting, and he says his journey to Director has been “challenging, changeable and interesting”. With a talent for management accounting, cashflows and forecasts, and software solutions, Danny excels at helping our clients do better in business, and he particularly enjoys working with clients who are challenging themselves to improve.
Danny believes there are three ‘freedoms’ that people want to achieve by owning their own business.
“The first is financial freedom,” says Danny. “That means having sufficient cashflow to enjoy the quality of life you want.”
“Then there’s time freedom – having a good work-life balance that lets you do the things you enjoy outside of work, like spending time with your family, taking regular holidays or simply having time for your passions and interests,”
“The third is freedom of the mind, and by that I mean being able to sleep at night knowing that your business is running smoothly, and not worrying about the future. Having peace of mind and not getting stressed out.”
Some business owners may want all three freedoms, and some may be driven more by one or another. Danny believes our role at Bridge is to help figure out which freedom is the biggest motivator for our clients, which means we can set clearly defined objectives for their business.
“Once we identify your desired outcome and set objectives to achieve it, then we can determine how best to help you achieve that outcome,” says Danny. “That might mean putting a solid business plan and cashflow forecasting in place, or upgrading business systems to improve efficiency, or business coaching and advisory to help you succeed.”
Whichever freedom is your biggest motivator in business, Bridge Advisory has the team to help you achieve it, with expertise in accounting and tax, management and business systems, financial and succession planning and more. Simply contact us to discuss your needs.